Memorandum for a ESM programme (Processed)

"Memorandum for a ESM programme (Processed)" was created for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( with primary data contributed by the Ministry of Finance, Hellenic Republic ( that are in the public domain.
"Memorandum for a ESM programme (Processed)" was created for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( with primary data contributed by the Ministry of Finance, Hellenic Republic ( that are in the public domain.
"Memorandum for a ESM programme (Processed)" was created for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( with primary data contributed by the Ministry of Finance, Hellenic Republic ( that are in the public domain.
"Memorandum for a ESM programme (Processed)" was created for the European Language Resources Coordination Action (ELRC) ( with primary data contributed by the Ministry of Finance, Hellenic Republic ( that are in the public domain.



This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project:
Memorandum of Understanding for a three-year European Stability Mechanism programme

Licence: Other - Public Domain
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Licence: Other - Public Domain
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27/02/2020 Downloadable

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