Pricing and user licences

Prices in the catalogue depend on the ELRA membership status, the type of organisation and type of user licence. In the catalogue, prices are defined as follows::
DefinitionAbbreviation in catalogue
MembershipInstitutional members of ELRA are entitled to a discount on public price.Member
Non-members are applied public prices.Non Member
For further information on ELRA membership, please check here:
Type of organisationLanguage Resources distribution is open to any organization. They are applied different pricing conditions depending on their status:
- Academic institutions (universities)Academic
- Other types of institutions (public administrations, private foundations, commercial companies, etc.)Commercial
LicenceSeveral licencing conditions may be proposed depending on the restrictions of use. Among them, ELRA has drafted 3 generic contracts:
End-User agreement for research/non-commercial use. The licence template is available here: END USER
End-User agreement for evaluation packages for research use for evaluation purposes. The licence template is available here: EVALUATION
Value-Added-Reseller agreement (VAR) for commercial use. The licence template is available here: VAR