EWA-DB – Early Warning of Alzheimer speech database 
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Base de données de parole pour la détection précoce d’Alzheimer (EWA-DB)
EWA-DB is a speech database that contains data from 3 clinical groups: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and a control group of healthy subjects. Speech samples of each clinical group were obtained using the EWA smartphone application, which contains 4 different language tasks: sustained vowel phonation, diadochokinesis, object and action naming (30 objects and 30 actions), picture description (two single pictures and three complex pictures).
The total number of speakers in the database is 1649. Of these, there are 87 people with Alzheimer's disease, 175 people with Parkinson's disease, 62 people with mild cognitive impairment, 2 people with a mixed diagnosis of Alzheimer's + Parkinson's disease and 1323 healthy controls.
For speakers who provided written consent (total number of 1003 speakers), we publish audio recordings in WAV format. We are also attaching a JSON file with ASR transcription, if available manual annotation (available for 965 speakers) and additional information about the speaker. For speakers who did not give their consent to publish the recording, only the JSON file is provided. ASR transcription is provided for all 1649 speakers. All 1649 speakers gave their consent to the provider to process their audio recordings. Therefore, it is possible for third party researchers to carry out their experiments also on the unpublished audio recordings through cooperation with the provider.
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EWA-DB est une base de données de parole qui contient les données de 3 groupes cliniques: la maladie d’Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson et les troubles cognitifs légers, ainsi qu’un groupe de contrôle avec des sujets en bonne santé. Les échantillons audio de chaque groupe clinique ont été obtenus au moyen de l’application sur smartphone EWA, qui comprend 4 tâches linguistiques différentes: phonation des voyelles soutenues, diadococinésie, dénomination des objets et des actions (30 objets et 30 actions), description des images (deux images simples et trois images complexes). Le nombre total de locuteurs dans la base de données se monte à 1649, dont 87 personnes ont la maladie d’ Alzheimer, 175 personnes ont la maladie de Parkinson, 62 personnes ont des troubles cognitifs légers, 2 personnes ont un diagnostique mixte d’Alzheimer et de Parkinson et 1323 sont des personnes faisant partie du groupe de contrôle en bonne santé.
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NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
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Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
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